When homeowners think about winter time, many completely forget about their landscapes. Winter landscaping, especially in Pittsburgh, is important for the health of your land throughout the entire year. No matter the time of year, landscapes should always be sufficiently prepared for the season at hand, and properly maintained thereafter. At J Birds Landscaping, we provide you with winter landscapers and superior services for season after season of healthy lawn care.
Before the snow begins to cover the ground, it is important to give your landscape a trim in preparation. Cut grass, and trim existing foliage to an appropriate length for the best health of your landscape during its dormant seasons. If grass is too long, its blades can mold. Yet when cut too short, the coldness of winter could reach and freeze roots—making for dead sections of grass, come spring time.
Removing wilted plants, fallen leaves and other debris is imperative for the health of your landscape during and after Pittsburgh’s winter season. This will eliminate animal nesting and eating areas, as well as reduce the possibility of excess moisture and fungal issues.
Adding layers of lawn protection, to keep in moisture from the dry air of winter, will help to maintain its health during and after the cold season. Supplying a layer of mulch to planting areas, for instance, will help to protect root systems. This will make for a better probability of growing healthy plantings next year, since roots and soil will not be completed dried out as they would be otherwise.
Do not let your lawn falter as a result of winter weather. Call our winter landscape professionals at J Birds Landscaping, LLC for more information on maintaining your Pittsburgh landscape this winter season. We know how to properly prepare your landscape for winter so that it grows to its optimum health in warmer seasons. Do not be one to forget or neglect your landscape now, for a lawn and outdoor space that you’ll frown upon later. Trust in the reputable services from our experts for a landscape that is ready for cold seasons, and flourishing in warm seasons!
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